Here is a list of common ailments people get relief from with the help of massage!💆♀️💆♂️
When going for a professional massage it's a good idea to have some goals in mind, this helps your therapist understand your "why" and makes it more likely that they will be able to tailor your treatment to your needs.
It is important to be truthful and open with your massage therapist- they are here to help you. If you have specific expectations for your massage treatment please communicate these before the treatment starts. Your therapist will be able to deliver an outcome within reason for your treatment.
We recommend taking "mental stock" of your body in the days leading up to your treatment. Are you experiencing specific discomfort or pain, if so, where in your body? Do you have multiple physical issues arising? How long have these been ongoing? Could one issue be caused by another? Is your expectation for your massage treatment relaxation/stress relief or a specific physical outcome?
Doing this mental check in with your body prior to your treatment equips you to communicate confidently your expectations for your treatment, along with empowering you to navigate feedback from your nervous and musculoskeletal systems before, during and after your massage.
All of these benefit your massage experience and help you get the most out of each treatment.
If you are unsure or have any questions regarding medical massage and how to chose the right treatment for your needs please send us a message and we'll be able to assist you in making the best choice.
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