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Fibromyalgia & Massage

Of all the alternative therapies available, more and more research is showing that massage therapy provides real benefits to people dealing with fibromyalgia. A study from 2014, which systematically reviewed nine other studies about massage therapy and FM, found that massage therapy had immediate beneficial effects on improving pain, anxiety and depression in patients with FM.

Here are the advantages of Fibromyalgia massage therapy techniques:

1) Relaxation to improve sleep. Evening sessions help patients improve their sleep quality at night, thereby allowing the body to recover faster.

2) Improving muscle tone. Massage therapy helps to strengthen the lax muscles and restore the strength and vitality of the body.

3) Improving mental clarity. Relaxation sessions help raise health awareness and reduce mental stress for people with FM.

4) Elimination of headaches. Improving blood flow to the brain helps alleviate the physical source of headaches for people with FM. In addition, having such pain relief helps to keep the mind in a healthier space.

We have treated many Fibromyalgia clients over the years, and in doing so, have designed a unique version of our Medi Massage to assist with Fibromyalgia.

Each person is unique, and even more so, each Fibromyalgia case is unique, which is why we tailor each treatment for your specific case. So throughout your treatment, we will constantly assess and modify as needed, so as to work with your body and with your Fibro, to get the best relief from your symptoms, and reduce post treatment downtime.

Your treatment is coupled with an in depth consultation, where we will discuss how your fibro affects you, and how we can assist you in managing it, from the treatment we will provide, to other holistic & self care advice.


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