Lymph Drainage Massage | Medissage Pretoria
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Lymph Drainage Massage Pretoria

Lymph Drainage Massage

What is Manual Lymph Drainage Massage and how can it benefit me?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a very gentle advanced massage treatment used to aid and support the lymphatic system. It helps speed up the rate at which lymphatic fluid reaches the appropriate lymph nodes for filtration and decongestion of the tissues. Manual Lymph Drainage can assist in post-op recovery to decrease swelling and support optimal healing and results; it can also successfully boost the immune system and treat a variety of conditions such as pain, body tension and edema.

The benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage and how it works...

Manual Lymphatic drainage is a specific technique used across the body to encourage lymphatic fluid to return to normal circulation pathways. Manual Lymphatic drainage focuses on restoring the flow of lymph by routing/moving fluid from the swollen area to an area where the lymphatic system is able to process the fluid and follow it's normal detoxification process. This boosts the immune system while excreting toxins and nourishing the cells in your body.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage  -  What Techniques are used and how does it feel?

Manual Lymphatic drainage uses a light and repetitive skin stretching movement that is very specific, allowing the lymph vessels to open without flattening them. The treatment involves the following techniques:

  • Repetitive light strokes 

  • Gliding                          

  • Compression                

  • Rhythmic strokes          

This allows for the increased rate of the lymph system and intensifies the removal of metabolic waste, excess fluid, and substances from the tissues.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage  –  How long should my session be?


Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage can be area focused or a full-body treatment.

Your first treatment is a standard 60 minute session (for Post-Op clients - please read below), beginning with an in-depth consultation. This ensures that the therapist can consult with you to identify your needs and ensure that the treatment provides you with the best results possible. Thereafter sessions vary between 60 minutes, and 90 minutes - depending on the severity of the condition/s and the body's response to the treatment.

POST- OP Manual Lymphatic Drainage  –  How long should my session be?

For Post-Op Manual Lymphatic Drainage, the initial session needs to be 90minutes in order to allow sufficient time for thorough consultation, treatment and removal/re-dressing of compression garments.
If you have had more than one operation requiring treatment, please notify us so that we can advise on the correct session structure. Follow up sessions will be either 60 or 90 minutes - depending on the number of area's to be treated and the body's response to the treatment.

POST-OP - Manual Lymph Drainage - Liposuction  |  Click to find out more



Manual Lymphatic Drainage - How can it help me?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage aims to help the body maintain proper blood circulation, body fluid balance and immune functions. Manual Lymphatic drainage can help you if you experience the following:

  • Lymphoedema                                                                  

  • Skin disorders                                                                   

  • Pre- and Post-surgical recovery (inc. cosmetic surgeries)

  • Oedema/ swelling                                                             

  • Cellulite                                                                             

  • Sleep disorders                                                                

  • IBS (irritable bowl syndrome)                                           

  • Chronic Fatigue                                                                

  • Detoxifying the body                                                        

  • Sinusitis/Rhinitis                                                               

  • Muscle Recovery & Waste product elimination               

  • Mastectomy                                                                     

  • Stress related illnesses                                                   

  • And more…                                                                    

Manual Lymphatic Drainage  -  How can I find out more?

If you are looking for effective Manual Lymph Drainage Massage in Pretoria, Gauteng, then Medissage can assist you!
Our trained and experienced therapist will guide you through the process, from consultation to treatment and aftercare.
We are here to support you on your journey to wellness and are always happy to help by answering any of your questions regarding Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage, and how treatment with us can help you to achieve your goals!

For any questions regarding the Manual Lymph Drainage treatment at our studio in Pretoria, or to schedule your appointment with us, please get in touch via our website chat portal, telephone or WhatsApp. Click either of the following links to get in touch with us:

You can also access our booking portal directly by clicking on the following link:

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